European Council

Lions of Europe and all over the world

Dear Lions of Europe and all over the world,
We hereby officially announce the 66th LIONS EUROPA FORUM which will take place in Thessaloniki on October the 7th until the 9th 2021.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Thessaloniki to restart our Lions life…live!!!
REload, REstart but most important of all, RE (LI) ON US for a safe Forum!!!
Forum President, 
George Papas PID

Resolutions and Ammendment submitted for discussion and voting during the EF2021

Below the Resolutions and Ammendment submitted for discussion and voting during the EF2021 in Thessaloniki from October the 7th until October the 9th 2021.


Thank you for attending EF2021!

You can find and download all the EF2021’s events photos from our webpage for free.